The Equinosaurus-Lowry System…
2023-12-21 at 5:47pm
5.01 miles
Durham, North Carolina
Ponysaurus five miler with Joshua Lowry. Fantastic night for a run, both in terms of weather and companionship. We both said we were going easy…and one of tried…
Okay, to be fair, both of us may have *tried*…but only having access to the inner musings of one of the people running, it has to be presumed that at some point Josh decided to execute on a tempo run at Pony. The first half mile started faster than intended (my fault)…but after was definitely the other person (grin).
Fun. Glad to have done it…and the fire and conversation after was excellent. Ended up with a solid progression. Whatever Josh is doing for training appears to be working!
Daily: 10.07 miles, Monthly: 158.0 miles, Yearly: 1462.34 miles