Multi-Level Kudos To Those Soggy Weavers….
2024-01-06 at 7:09am
16.02 miles
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Sodden time across Chapel Hill with Joshua Lowry, Martin Wileman, Laura Maile, Bucklewood, Sara Mizelle, and Mike Papazoglou. Started in Carrboro, heading down MLK to Weaver Dairy to 15-501…then back again, with an added Weaver Dairy Extension.
Frankly, other than getting in the eyes at the beginning, the rain did not affect the run. Consider it weight as well as distance training…
Everyone ended up with different elevation measurements, but based on my prior routes, mine is pretty close to what I would expect for the route.
Daily: 16.02 miles, Monthly: 110.78 miles, Yearly: 107.77 miles